Posted: September 16th, 2017

Choose one of the following, write an in-depth program to help your client, patient, friend…to help the have optimal health. Be creative,

Choose one of the following, write an in-depth program to help your client, patient, friend…to help the have optimal health. Be creative, there are many ways to reach our optimal health.

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1- A new client comes to you wanting to lose 30 lbs. They seem to be relatively active. What is the healthiest way to lose the weight, and to help them maintain their weight after their goal is achieved? What areas of health might be impacting the weight gain?

2- You are in a committed relationship…what areas of health may be affect the decrease in your sexual life, how would you go about talking with your partner?

3- It is your first year of college, you have a new roommate that seems to be withdrawing from social activities, going to class, doesn’t seem to eat. What areas of health might be affecting them, how can you help them in these areas?

4- You seem to have lost a feeling of purpose in your day to day life. What areas would you look at to get your purpose back, find your spiritual self again?

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