Posted: April 16th, 2015

Choose two/three KEY studies which examine the SAME aspect of possible gender differences in language learning and compare them critically.

Question: Choose two/three KEY studies which examine the SAME aspect of possible gender differences in language learning and compare them critically.


-Introduction: state purpose of essay, which studies you will be critically comparing, which aspect of gender differences in language learning these studies address and why you have chosen them.

-First study:
1) Explain study aims, methodology, design.
2) State and critically evaluate findings
3) Point out good points and methodological flaws in the study or limitations

-Second study:
1) Explain study aims, methodology, design.
2) State and critically evaluate findings
3) Point out good points and methodological flaws in the study or limitations

-Using the explanations above, CRITICALLY compare the two studies

-Highlight criticism of these studies in other academic papers and propose how to improve them and why this has not been done still (ie methodological restrictions/ethical issues etc).


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