Posted: September 13th, 2017



Define this religious terms in short answers. Please pay attention to the terms in each category. Thanks.

1) Christological debates: The different understandings of Jesus and the interests or motivations of each group in the controversy and how the “heresy” was dealt with. Key terms include: Apostolic Succession, Arians, Canon, Christology, Creed, Ecumenical Council, filioque, Gnosticism, God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Marcion, Monarchianism, Monophysites, Nestorians, New Testament, Nicene Creed, Old Testament, Pope, Trinity.
2) Source of Authority in Christianity. Key terms include: Apostolic succession, Canon, Church,
church, Constantine, Creed, Ecumenical Council, Excommunication, Inquisition, Luther, New
Testament, Old Testament, Pope, Reformation.
3) Creation of Scripture in Christianity. Key terms include: Canon, Church, Fundamentalism,
Luther, Marcion, New Testament, Old Testament, Q, Reformation, Two Source Hypothesis.
4) Arguments for and the implications of the 2 Source Hypothesis. Key terms include: New
Testament, Q, Two Source Hypothesis.
5) Influence of Zoroastrianism on Judaism and hence, Christianity. Key terms include: Ahura
Mazda, Angra Mainyu, Old Testament, Resurrection, Satan, Zarathustra (also: Hell, Judgment,
eras, etc.).
6) The importance of the Reformation. Key terms include: Anglican Church, Apostolic
succession, Canon, Catholic Church, Council of Trent, Ecumenism, Fundamentalism, Luther,
Pope, Protestant Churches, New Testament, Old Testament, Sacraments, Transubstantiation,

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