Posted: September 16th, 2017

Churches & Politics

Churches & Politics

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Critical Thinking/Persuasion. This is an argument paper which advances the following thesis; “African American Pastors and Preachers have failed in masse the black community at large.” This paper should read more like a well researched and notated OpEd than an actual academic school paper but should never the less be very smart and intellectual. There are several arguments which could be advanced in support of the aforementioned thesis:

1. What it takes to succeed in brining about present day political change is contrary to most black christian thought.

2. Look at the statistics of the communities including police brutality rates, murder rate, theft rate, drug use rates in places where there are high concentrations of black mega churches versus places where there are not (Dallas, Houston, London, Atlanta, Baltimore, DC, Philadelphia.)

3. The black president had to leave a black church because his leader failed him (Jeremiah wright).

4. Look into the wealth of preachers (creflo dollar, td jakes, eddie long, raphael warnock, murphy mckenzie, edgar boyd, andre butler, paul morton, fredrick price). Maybe, also look into a documentary titled Black, Inc. Remember though the goal is to show the failure of the black church to uplift the black community. Conclusion, black church should get out of the business of politics and stay in the business of souls. Don’t be afraid to notate some positive exceptions to the rule, if you find any.

To get an idea of the writing style that should be followed look here:

The paper should briefly examine: a. the rise of the “black church” particularly during reconstruction and its purpose; b. with all the police brutality where are the preachers? are they stuck praying somewhere? Where are the national meetings? Why haven’t black churches offered up free legal counsel to anyone accused of a crime? Have black churches reached out to the white church pastors and convinced on this issue? Why do some preachers ask for money and more donations at rally’s supposedly to help (

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