Posted: September 16th, 2017

Civil engineering

Part A (25%)

? Introduce your progressing degree
? Identify career options from the degree
? Explain reasons for degree choice
Part B (25%)

? Locate the same degree (or similar) at another UK institution
? Provide similarities and differences with the LJMU degree
? Identify an LJMU academic at LJMU and notes on their profile
? Provide comments on a visit to the LJMU department

Part C (50%)

? Name a first year module on your progressing degree
? Identify a topic relating to that module
? Debate/difference of opinion/ contrasting views within the topic
Part A (25%, approximately 350 words)

? Written in the first person
? Demonstrates knowledge of the academic discipline
? States own educational aims whilst studying
? Understands career opportunities available

Part B (25%, approximately 350 words)

? Written in impersonal style
? Provides a discussion that compares and contrasts the same (or similar) degree programme at LJMU with another UK university e.g. modules, course content, course structure
? Highlights an LJMU academic?s profile
? Reflects on a departmental visit experience
Part C (50%, approximately 700 words)

? Written in impersonal style
? Identifies a first year module on the LJMU progression degree
? Demonstrates knowledge of a topic related to the module
? Analyses contrasting views or approaches within the topic
? Provides at least 2 websites and 2 books (not e-books) as supporting sources within the discussion)

What are the core subjects on this course?
What teaching methods are used?
How is the course structured?
Is it possible to study overseas on this course?
Does the course have a Master’s level?
Is there any paid employment as part of the course?
How much can I expect to earn when I graduate?
What is the expertise of the staff on this course?
What are the entry requirements for international students?

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