Posted: September 21st, 2015

Classical approaches to the death of Christ


Essay topics
i) To what extent does the New Testament portray a coherent story of Jesus Christ?

ii) Classical approaches to the death of Christ are opposed in contemporary debates.
Critique ONE classical approach in light of contemporary debates OR,
critique contemporary approaches in light of ONE classical doctrine of atonement (Jesus’ death)

iii) How do liberation theologies challenge and contribute to Christian understanding of Jesus Christ? Your answer must address ONE of the following Christological perspectives: liberationist (e.g. Latin America); global (e.g. African, Asian or ‘Black’); feminist; ecological.
In writing your essay, keep in mind the following points:

1.Show that you have understood and addressed the questions or topic of discussion.
2.Show that you have researched the subject well, i.e., that you have read and thought about a range of books and/or articles on the topic.
3.Show that you have come to your own conclusions on the matter and are not simply reporting the views of others. This is hard at first. But try to analyse, at least in a preliminary way, your own thoughts and reactions to the readings.
4.Remember this is a theological essay. It is not a personal religious testimony. It is legitimate to express your belief in the essay, of course. But the aim is to understand, express carefully, and defend belief, not merely state it. In the essay you will be expected to make a case for your point of view and support it using the kinds of theological reasoning that will be introduced in this course. This means you need to be at least familiar with theological points of view other than your own and be able to make a case for the view you wish to espouse.
5.Include referencing and a bibliography in either APA or Chicago style, listing the major books and journals you have consulted in the preparation of the essay.
6.Stay close to the word limit. More than 10% variation from the limit is unacceptable.


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