Posted: September 13th, 2017

Clinical Application of Explanatory Theory

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements


Choose a book which relates to your own interests and issues. The more you put into this work the more you will get out of it. The following list literature list represents topics we have covered in class. Select at least one reading from the literature list and be careful to choose something with which you can relate. Do not summarize the book at length. Comment on how the piece affected you and why. Discuss the piece as a clinical social work student in the field of mental health. Remember to draw the piece together into a cohesive whole at the end. Discuss your impressions of the piece holistically, mental health issues that come up in the book, your assessment of the issues, how you might address these issues as a mental health social work practitioner; and particularly, comment on issues in counter-transference for you. Apply material we have covered in class. In addition, please comment on thoughts and feelings you have throughout the course on cases held in the field as they relate to the book, as well as news-worthy events as they relate to your readings and the book you select from this literature list.

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