Posted: September 13th, 2017

Coding of the Interview & Theme Analysis

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Prepare a 1 page double-spaced paper in APA format. The paper should have “1” margins all around, 12 point font, Times New Roman, pages numbered in upper right corner, running head and proper citations within the body of paper in APA format. The paper should include a cover page and reference page in APA format which is not include in the page count. This is a DBA course in Business Administration course. The title of the course is Qualitative and Case Study Research for Business Analysis. Please write this paper as if it is your own assignment. The paper has to be scholarly written. This assignment will be submitted to turnitin. Please do not use information from another paper. Please use peer-reviewed references no older than 5 years old. Please us at least 2 of the references below. The assignment is due by APRIL 8, 2015 by 3PM EST. Please do not copy and paste from another paper. Please paraphrase more. I will upload the rubrics and other assignments that may be of some assistance. I am requesting you writer 337512 because you completed the draft doctoral study. I have been focusing on the Coca-Cola Company which I have uploaded some documents. I am not sure if you keep them on file.


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