Posted: September 16th, 2017

COIS 2320 Assignment 3. This is worth 15% of your final Grade

COIS 2320 Assignment 3.  This is worth 15% of your final Grade

1) Design a system with 2 4-bit shift registers with a bus (single wire) connecting the two.
a)    Design the system so that the endianness (bit order) is retained
b)    Design where the endianness is reversed
2) Design a system which has an array of memory in registers, with 4 rows of words, with a word length of 16 bits.   You can assume the existence of an 8-bit register as a primitive component you just draw as a box.
a)    Design a system that will transfer data from any selected row into a shift register of the word size, preserving endianness.
b)    Design a system that will transfer data from any selected row into a shift register of the word size that reverses byte ordering but not endianness
c)    Design a system that will transfer data from any selected row that will transfer data into a shift register that reverses both byte order and endianness

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