Posted: September 13th, 2017

Commentary 1 Source: Insert URL Section 1: Summarize the news article. Identify all the issues involved. Be sure to include conflicts between one value and another. Sate who is being affected, and exactly how they are being affected; do not be vague. Section 2 2a) STATE AND EXPLAIN THE MORAL ISSUE! Why is this a real issue that I should care about? It is not enough to say “stealing is bad and therefore not moral” or “this is an obvious moral issue” or “it is wrong to treat people like this”. Explain to me why it is immoral, for example, why is stealing bad? Try to use terms/ideas from class and the readings to prove to me how and why this is, in fact, a moral issue. Show me you attend class and that you pay attention. YOU MUST CONVINCE ME THAT THIS IS A MORAL ISSUE! 2b) You must identify a CORRELATION (preferably more than one) BETWEEN THE MORAL ISSUE AND THE NATURE OF BUSINESS ITSELF. What are the specific features of business that give rise to the(se) moral issue(s), and how do/did they generate the kind of situation(s) you identify within the article? Consider the following short list (there are many more) of possible pressures: profit margin, corporate culture, competition between companies, competition within companies, legislative manipulation, the nature of the fiduciary relationship(s) between employers, employees, customers, shareholders, and/or stakeholders, losing site of the big picture, etc. If the correlation is indirect, you MUST make the connection to business as clear as possible. Failure to do so will result in a low grade. Section 3: Tell me what you believe should be done about this Moral dilemma and how YOU would go about it fixing it.

Commentary 1

Source: Insert URL

Section 1: Summarize the news article.

Identify all the issues involved. Be sure to include conflicts between one value and

Sate who is being affected, and exactly how they are being affected; do not be vague.

Section 2


Why is this a real issue that I should care about?

It is not enough to say “stealing is bad and therefore not moral” or “this is an obvious
moral issue” or “it is wrong to treat people like this”. Explain to me why it is immoral,
for example, why is stealing bad?

Try to use terms/ideas from class and the readings to prove to me how and why this is, in
fact, a moral issue. Show me you attend class and that you pay attention.

2b) You must identify a CORRELATION (preferably more than one) BETWEEN THE

What are the specific features of business that give rise to the(se) moral issue(s), and how
do/did they generate the kind of situation(s) you identify within the article? Consider the
following short list (there are many more) of possible pressures: profit margin, corporate
culture, competition between companies, competition within companies, legislative
manipulation, the nature of the fiduciary relationship(s) between employers, employees,
customers, shareholders, and/or stakeholders, losing site of the big picture, etc. If the
correlation is indirect, you MUST make the connection to business as clear as possible.
Failure to do so will result in a low grade.

Section 3: Tell me what you believe should be done about this Moral dilemma and how
YOU would go about it fixing it.

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