Posted: September 13th, 2017



Discussion needs to be 100 to 150 words
What is the tragedy of the commons? Provide an example and explain the methods for possible solutions for managing the tragedy of the commons.
TDQ Rubric
Initial TDQ Response    Points Possible    Points
The student’s response answers each component of the TDQ.    15
The student’s response reflects critical thinking, is detailed and thorough.    25
The student’s response clearly reveals a knowledge and understanding of the assigned reading material(s).
* If material is directly quoted or paraphrased it must be cited.    20
Follow-up TDQ Response
Second response is substantive/ high quality. It adds depth and insight to a conversation with a classmate/classmates, or it is a quality response modeled after one of

the small class size submission options.
* If material is directly quoted or paraphrased it must be cited.    30
Initial & Follow-Up Responses
5 points – no spelling, grammar, punctuation or format errors
3 points – 1 to 5 spelling, grammar, punctuation or format errors
0 points – 6 or more errors
Initial Response Spelling/Grammar
Follow-Up Response Spelling/Grammar    5
Additional Faculty Comments:    100
Format Requirements
Use the following format requirements on all submissions.
Writing Style    APA (American Psychological Association)

Note: To find detailed information on APA manuscript style guidelines on the Internet, go to
Margins    1” all sides

Paragraphs    The entire document should be double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5″ x 11″)

Headings    Bold

Type Style and Size    Times New Roman, 12 point

Software    MS Word

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