Posted: March 9th, 2017

Communication and conflict are related because Which of the following does NOT correctly describe conflict? Which of the following patterns of goal shifting characterizes a destructive conflict?

  1.     The most intense “laboratory” for conflict resolution is 
  2.     The textbook asserts that in Western culture conflict is typically viewed at
  3.     The two things that are important in all conflicts are 
  4.     The “four horsemen of the apocalypse” that are present in destructive conflicts are 
  5.     Communication and conflict are related because 
  6.     Which of the following does NOT correctly describe conflict?
  7.     Which of the following patterns of goal shifting characterizes a destructive conflict? 
  8.     Advantages of clarifying your goals include which of the following
  9.      _________ is an example of passive aggressive behavior
  10.      _________ is used to balance unequal power.
  11.      In conflict we tend to see ourselves in a _________and others in a ________. 
  12.      Full conflict assessment may be accomplished by 
  13.      Full conflict assessment may be accomplished by 
  14.      Typically, negotiations occur in  
  15.      Negotiation presumes which of the following? 
  16.       A basic assumption of distributive negotiation is that 
  17.      The most successful way to alter conflict is to 
  18.      Anger is the secondary emotion to ________ in the body 
  19.      When you ________, you change the categories you use for the other person, yourself, or the conflict issues that keep you stuck.  
  20.      The goal of all conflict intervention is to 
  21.      Arbitration comes into use when the conflict participants 
  22.      Adjudication is typically imposed by a 
  23.      Forgiveness 
  24.      A superficial confession followed by a premature extension of forgiveness constitutes
  25.      When we forgive one another we uphold the possibility of defining ourselves  
  26.      A legal dispute is defined as
  27.      Mediation is distinguished from arbitration in that
  28.      In representing clients, a lawyer is required by his or her code of ethics to be focused on
  29.      Jane and Paul were drivers involved in a rear-ender. Jane believes that she was driving in her own lane of traffic while Paul drifted into Jane’s lane of traffic. Paul believes that Jane drifted into his lane and collided with him while he was driving lawfully. There are no other sources of conflict. Jane and Paul’s conflict is
  30.      The theories of Maslow and Erikson
  31.      A central characteristic of cooperative conflict is that
  32.      Low levels of trust between disputants makes
  33.      A disputant who enters negotiation, only to find that the person with whom he or she is negotiating has very little power, can expect to 
  34.      Typically, in negotiation, an effective negotiator
  35.      What form of power, when used, is most likely to foreclose that disputant’s ability to use any other type of power?
  36.     What form of power, when used, is most likely to foreclose that disputant’s ability to use any other type of power?
  37.      Compared to results reached through litigation, mediated settlements
  38.      Which of the following statements is most accurate? 
  39.      In the summary jury trial process, a
  40.      Why might some experts assert that cases should be resolved outside of court unless there is a good reason to litigate?

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