Posted: September 18th, 2017

Communication, Risk, and Human Resources

Communication, Risk, and Human Resources


The communications plan: Identify stakeholders from the requirements determination section. Add a new stakeholder and determine the following information for him or her:

Information need
The messages to be communicated
The timing and frequency of communication
The person responsible for communication
The medium for communication

Risk assessment: Identify potential risks that can prevent the project’s objectives from being met on time and within the budget. Develop a risk mitigation plan to manage the risks. The plan should have a severity ranking for each risk. For the most severe risk, develop a risk mitigation strategy that includes risk triggers and the team members responsible for responding to the risk.

The organization and human resources plan: Prepare an organizational structure for the project and identify the skills required to perform the work effectively and efficiently. Identify project team members and define their functions, responsibilities, qualifications, and capabilities. Explain where each team member fits into the organizational structure, including the details of the stage of the project where the team member will be assigned. Create a responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)

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