Posted: April 15th, 2015

community hour

community hour

write like you’ve met Lauren Kessler. She an author and a journalist. I need you to relate to her as a person and some of her achievements. I need for you to relate to The Writer’s Life in a Digital Age and make some strong points regarding. She wrote a book about grammar and style – talk about that in 3 sentences. Talk about how interesting it is that at 8 she wanted to be a journalist because of a comic strip. talk about how her passion for stories and how thats essential for someone to go into journalism. Talk bout the interconnectivity that journalists/authors have through the internet. include the quote “ you have to know what to look for in what your looking for” (in relation to being a journalist) she wrote a communist spy book – talk about that. talk about the difference between being a teacher and writer – she is both those things. (how being a teacher there are boundaries and whatnot and being a writer theres so much freedom for expression) include the quote “writing is a solitary activity and teaching is a public activity”. lastly, talk about her being interested in people who are born into a certain lifestyle and refuse to live it. and how that relates to me (you) — (meaning rebels – she wrote a communist spy book, look into it) and expand please.

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