Posted: September 13th, 2017

Company E-Business Management Report

Company E-Business Management Report

please find the attached assignment file. PLUS the (Examplar) E-Business Stratergy Report 2 files witch it was for the previous year.

1.    Module learning outcomes addressed in this assessment. Learning Outcomes
2.    Guidance Notes / Description of  Task/Problem/Topic
3.    Assessment/Marking Criteria
4.    Submission Details / Hand in Details
5.    Marking Scheme
6.    Feedback
7.    Keyskills
8.    Reference requirements

Learning Outcomes:

Assessment:     1 a    1b    1c    Recovery
Outline the typical infrastructure for e-Business, both hardware and software         x        x
Outline personal information infrastructures and critically review their influence on information seeking patterns, strategies, tactics and browsing strategies.

x        x
Compare the key factors that inform design of web sites that most effectively support information seeking and browsing strategies
x        x
Develop an effective security risk management strategy.
x        x
Define a process for the effective maintenance of an e-business system
x        x
Create a plan to measure the effectiveness of an e-business system
x    x
Apply appropriate action to resolve design and process problems and maximize value            x    x
Hand in week:     10    18    24
Value towards grade:     100%    100%

Assignment Task

The assignment is in number of parts.

Part 1A – the identification of an organisation and Initial audit document.

1.    Select and scope an organisation with an appropriate web presence (it should be trading).

2.    Create a document that explains the service you intend to provide to the organisation.  This document should indicate the methods you intend to use to audit

the organisation.

Part 1B – The Audit report

3.    Create a formal report that should critically investigate the organisations current practises for E-business management.
a.    Market Analysis
b.    Infrastructure – including risk management
c.    Micro and Macro environment
d.    E-Business Strategy
e.    Supply chain management
f.    E-procurement from all viewpoints
g.    Communication mixes
h.    Customer relationship management
i.    E-business service
j.    Usability of web site

4.    The report is to make recommendations for changes that the organisation could make to their E-Business Management.  The report must explain the purpose and

advantage to them of these changes.

Part 1 C – Final section of the report.

5.    You are to monitor the organisation and establish its relevance prior to presenting the report to the company.  You are to re-assess the company’s relevance

after a suitable period and to critically reflect the influence of your report.

Marking and Assessment Criteria

to obtain a D the work should:
1.    an appropriate organization was identified.
2.    The report does not fully analyzed the market place for this organization and the infrastructure used by the organization,
3.    The factors in the micro and macro environments affecting the organization behavior are not fully considered,
4.    The e-business strategy and integration to traditional form of business and the evaluation of investment priorities and return were not explored,
5.    the purpose of supply chain management and the element of prioritization where not considered, particular to the practical issues to their organization.
6.    The benefits and risks associated with e-procurement were not considered.
7.    The report does not explain how e-marketing differ from traditional marketing and communication mixes incorporate this medium.
8.    The consideration of customer relationship management was limited
9.    The e-business service optimization was not discussed.
10.    The evaluation of relevance was not appropriate for this organization.

to obtain a C:
the level of achievement was closer to D than B many important elements were not fully explained.

to obtain a B:
the level of achievement was closer to A than C but only a few elements were not fully explained.

to achieve an A:
1.    an appropriate organization was identified.
2.    The report fully analyzed the market place for this organization and the infrastructure used by the organization,
3.    Detailed information was provided about the factors in the micro and macro environments affecting the organization behavior,
4.    The e-business strategy and integration to traditional form of business and the evaluation of investment priorities and return were fully explored,
5.    The purpose of supply chain management and the element of prioritization where considered, particular to the practical issues to their organization.
6.    The benefits and risks associated with e-procurement were critically explained.
7.    The report explains how e-marketing differs from traditional marketing and communication mixes incorporate this medium.
8.    The consideration of customer relationship management was fully explained
9.    The e-business service optimization was discussed.
10.    The evaluation of relevance was appropriate for this organization.



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