Posted: September 13th, 2017

Company Law

Assignment Requirements



Direction: a.into the submarine or b. out of the submarine (Choose one)

Topic: Accounting – Ratio Analysis Report


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Order code: 81344577

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Time remaining: 6 days 17 hours 50 minutes

Deadline: January 22 07:09
Order total: $8.4
Compensation $2.80 / Page
Pages: 3, Single spaced
Sources: 3
Order type: Term Paper
Subject: Accounting
Academic level: Master
Style: Harvard
Language: English (U.K.)

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I have uploaded a sample report, please use this format. I have also attached the specific requirments, please make sure this paper covers everything that is specified.

Topic: Number plate detection by Optical Character recognition


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Order code: 81344366

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Time remaining: 9 days 0 hours 31 minutes

Deadline: January 24 13:56
Order total: $42
Compensation $1.40 / Page
Pages: 30, Double spaced
Sources: 15
Order type: Research Paper
Subject: Mathematics
Academic level: Undergraduate
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

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1. Programming (Design and Optimisation)

a. 8-bit Character Resolution)

b. 8-bit Character Resolution + inclusion of 16-bit Character Resolution (Pilot Test Code for Extensive Comparative Studies on Super Computers)

2. Body (Technical Write-up – Introduction to Conclusion)

3. Other Elements (Illustrations, Schematics, Logic Block Diagrams, Implementation Algorithms and Flowcharts)

The project is about Optical Character recognition and detecting number plates. The project requires coding using MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox (Artificial Intelligence) for the design and optimisation of the software for the Optical Character Recognition Process for project no. 3. All the investigations to be conducted on this project will be software based


Topic: Individual Reflective Journal Assessment Task


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Order code: 81344578

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Time remaining: 2 days 6 hours 8 minutes

Deadline: January 17 19:35
Order total: $21.18
Compensation $1.93 / Page
Pages: 11, Double spaced
Sources: 26
Order type: Essay
Subject: Business
Academic level: Undergraduate
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

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Order Description
Please find the attachment files for details
This is a personal reflective journal, which must be based on the class activities and powerpoints. all class activities throug team works, so team work experiences is very important to construct this reflective journal.
and there is an exmple in files.
Most class avtivities is in the DAY1,2,3,4 powerpoints. you can use your group experience to write this reflective journal

BEX2622 – Reflective Journal

Description: What happened?     What did you observe?
Feelings: What were you thinking and feeling when you observed this event?
Evaluation: What was good and bad about the experience?
Analysis: What sense can you make of the situation? What, if anything, does the relevant literature state?
Conclusion: What did you learn from this situation? What did you learn about yourself?
Action plan: If it arose again what would you do?


Topic: Why PR Matters


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Order code: 81344584

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Time remaining: 2 days 6 hours 10 minutes

Deadline: January 17 19:43
Order total: $9.8
Compensation $4.90 / Page
Pages: 2, Single spaced
Sources: 1
Order type: Coursework
Subject: Business
Academic level: Master
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

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Order Description
please read all the attached files and answer the below questions and number each answer according to the related question.

In this case we will discuss how Hale & Dorr (now known as Wilmer Hale after the merger) leverages the existing networks of their attorneys.
Ultimately, we want to think about what kind of networks are most valuable to the firm and how the firm might go about creating these valuable networks.
In preparing for the discussion, please think about the following questions:

1) What is the firm ́s current sales strategy?
2) How does this relate to the buying process for legal services?
3) What are the main criteria for purchase?
4) How does one meet these criteria?
5) What role do relationships -among and between attorneys, clients, prospects and
others- play in the sales strategy?
6) What kinds of relationships are most valuable for finding new business?
7) Note the difference among the three set of “stories” that Lee heard. Burgess,
Sherman and O ́Reilly present very different views of selling or business development. Given that they are each representative of their practice area, what do they suggest about the source of leads and future projects?
8) What do you think about the “cross industry teams” that Lee mentions at the end of the case? How would this compare with a key account program?


Topic: Managing the Human Resource Assignment


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Order code: 81344592

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Time remaining: 2 days 6 hours 10 minutes

Deadline: January 17 20:14
Order total: $13.48
Compensation $1.93 / Page
Pages: 7, Double spaced
Sources: 10
Order type: Coursework
Subject: Management
Academic level: Master
Style: Harvard
Language: English (U.S.)

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Order Description
There has been considerable debate about the impact that HRM has on the success of an organisation. Choose an organisation of interest to you and complete the following tasks: Critically evaluate the way that TWO of the following are managed in the organisation, assessing the impact that this has on the success of the organisation: employee training and development, employee involvement and participation and employee reward. Then critically question whether it is possible to measure the impact that HR practices have on organisational performance.



Topic: Error Reduction in Health Care


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Order code: 81344596

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Time remaining: 4 days 17 hours 58 minutes

Deadline: January 20 08:13
Order total: $5.25
Compensation $1.75 / Page
Pages: 3, Double spaced
Sources: 4
Order type: Essay
Subject: Nursing
Academic level: PhD
Style: APA
Language: English (U.S.)

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Order Description
The assignment is to answer the questions at the end of the chapter 2 and 3. I will upload the pictures of the book and the questions. Please do not include the question in the essay and add more references.



Topic: Company Law


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Order code: 81344595

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Time remaining: 1 days 12 hours 40 minutes

Deadline: January 17 03:17
Order total: $19.6
Compensation $2.80 / Page
Pages: 7, Double spaced
Sources: 20
Order type: Essay
Subject: Law
Academic level: Undergraduate
Style: Not specified
Language: English (U.K.)

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Company law essay question

s.21 of the CA06 provides that a company may amend its articles by special resolution. Lord Lindley MR in Allen v Gold Reefs of West Africa Ltd [1900] Ch 656 stated at p.671 that power to alter the articles “…must like all other powers, be exercised subject to those general principles of law and equity…”

Critically Evaluate how the Courts have provided a framework for the majority of shareholders when passing a resolution to amend the articles

2. The word limit is 2000 words [exclusive of footnotes and bibliography.] Footnotes can be reasonable in length i.e. they can be more than just the reference. However try to use them as an aid to the main body of the essay rather than (please use footnotes to write facts of the case, not in the main body of the essay)

4. Your coursework must be word processed, preferably using Arial font size 12 and leaving 1” margins all around.

Please do spelling and grammar check and also it should flow better.

Use MHRA reference for Law, bibliography and footnotes should not be included in the word count.

Please use case law and journals, however can use books but 2 to 3 books approx






Post your initial responses to the Learning Set Discussion Forum be sure to engage your Learning Set members with questions about the readings or the above activities.

Your participation this week is required.  Remember that your responses will be assessed based upon the timeliness and quality of your work in your Learning Set.  You are expected to participate substantially; specifically, you are to post at least 12 meaningful and insightful responses to your Learning Set.  First read the students responses before respond.

Your Doctoral Tutor will look for the following contributions to the dialogue in your posts:

  1. Asking insightful questions
  2. Adding to the learning of the Set
  3. Offering contributions based upon the literature and your practice
  4. Engaging in critically collaborative inquiry
  5. Promoting critical reflection in set members
  6. Please use external sources and citation while answering responses.


Please know that these responses should be done in :-

1-see the yellow instructions

2- make for Each student only 1 response.

3. only 3-4sentence should be my response for each student and not an essay.

4- use external resources in each response

4- keep the short posts to a minimum and continue .

5- please praise the student and give positive words to encourage them and do not use negative comments do not use always negative feedback against classmates.

6- Attach reference for each response  



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