Posted: September 17th, 2017

compare and contrast the major theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Bandura, and Keller

In a graphic organizer no more than three pages in length, compare and contrast the major theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Bandura, and Keller. Review the theory matrices at the beginning of each chapter in Psychology of Learning for Instruction. Inc


In a graphic organizer no more than three pages in length, compare and contrast the major theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bruner, Bandura, and Keller. Review the theory matrices at the beginning of each chapter in Psychology of Learning for Instruction. Include the following:

1. A summary of each major theory. Use the academic language associated with each theory when describing it.

2. Similarities between the theories.

3. Differences between the theories.

4. Discuss how you might incorporate the theories into your teaching practice and explain why.

For assistance with graphic organizer formats, a quick Internet search will provide you with examples

This assignment must be completed in a graphic organizer.

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