Posted: February 17th, 2017

Compare your routine to the guidelines. Identify any necessary adjustments in your routine.

For the Unit 7 project, you will assess your calorie needs, body weight, health risks and physical activity. Follow the detailed″>Unit 7 project instructions(3)(1).docx Please submit a word document via the Unit 7 project link.Include your detailed calculations and answers to questions as outlined in the instructions document.Check your work. BIO 150 Nutrition – Unit 7 Project Instructions (Rev 3/13) This project involves a series of calculations and activities to assess your calorie needs, body weight, health risks and physical activity. Check your work! Submit as a word document. Your personal information is held confidentially. Estimated Energy Requirement: There are numerous ways to determine your calorie (energy) needs. Calorie estimates can vary greatly due to the wide variations in Basal Metabolic Rate between individuals. The calculation below is one that can give you a good general idea of your calories needs. You will likely find this result similar but not necessarily equal to the calorie recommendation from your MyPlate reports. 1) (4pt) First determine and LIST the variables to be used in the calculation: a. Age in years b. PA (Physical Activity Estimate) Textbook T10.3 c. Current Weight in kg (lb/2.2) … round up d. Height in meters (inches/39.4) … round up 2) (6pt) Calculate your Estimated Energy Requirement (EER), using the appropriate formula for your gender. a. Show every step of the work and calculations, see template/worksheet below (also on Pg. 362) b. This EER calorie amount should support your current weight. If you desire a different weight, you may opt to re-calculate using that weight to determine a calorie amount that will help you attain it. Men 662 – (9.53 x Age) + PA x (15.91 x WT + 539.6 x HT) 662 – (9.53 x ___) + PA x (15.91 X ______) + (539.6 X ______) 662 – (______) + PA x (_______ + _______) (_______) + ____ x (__________) __________ + _________ = _______________ Women 354 – (6.91 x Age) + PA x (9.36 x WT + 726 x HT) 354 – (6.91 x ____) + PA x (9.36 X ______) + (726 X ______) 354 – (_____) + PA x (_________ + _________) (_______) + _____ x (__________) __________ + ____________ = _______________ Body Mass Index: Body Mass Index is an easy way to assess health risk based on height versus weight. BMI measure is not a good assessment of health risk for those who are elderly, chronically ill or have significant muscle. 3) (2pt) First determine and LIST the variables to be used in the calculation: a. Height in inches b. Height in inches2 c. Current weight in pounds. 4) (2pt)Calculate your BMI using the formula below (Also found text Pg. 366) Show your work. [______ (current weight pounds) divided by ( ______ height inches2 ) ] X 703 = _______ BMI 5) (1pt) Studies have shown that a BMI of 27 or higher is associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases. These conditions include, but are not limited to, coronary heart disease, certain forms of cancer, stroke, hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Using your calculated BMI, refer to Table 10.4 to identify your Weight Status. List and discuss your weight status. (Note: if you are very muscular, refer to the text and discuss how this impacts the validity of your BMI results) Waist Circumference: The location of body fat is another way to determined health risk. Visceral central fat carries greater health risk than subcutaneous lower body fat distribution. A quick and easy method to determine your obesity related risks is to measure your waist circumference. 6) (5pt) Measure your waist circumference in inches. Do not use your pants size. Follow instructions using Pg. 368 Fig. 10.15. If a flexible sewing type tape measure is not available, use a rope and then measure it with a yard stick or stiff tape measure. How does your waist circumference compare to the definition of Central Body Obesity? Physical Activity 7) (5pts) Refer to Text page 402 for the exercise guidelines as established by the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association. a. List the guidelines b. If you have a weekly exercise routine, describe it. c. Compare your routine to the guidelines. Identify any necessary adjustments in your routine. If you do not have a current exercise routine, establish and discuss your exercise goals. Target Heart Rate 8) (5pts) The physical and psychological benefits of exercise can be attained by performing exercise at moderate intensity. Your Target Heart Rate ‘zone’ can be used to determine intensity. See Text page 403 for calculation instructions. a. 220 minus ______ (your age) = _________ (bpm) b. Calculate your THR Zone for moderate-intensity. Show your work. c. Calculate your THR Zone for vigorous-intensity. Show your work.

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