Posted: February 9th, 2017

Compare successful industries (not other health care industries) and how they leverage transparency.

Health Admin Worksheet

Imagine you work for a marketing firm and you have been assigned to work with a new health care client. The client needs help with a communication strategy for a new product they are launching soon.

Based on this initiative:

Insurance company launching a new medical product for the exchange

Create a 12- to 18-month communication strategy for your client. You may use a communication strategy template or you can create your own. In your strategy:

Differentiate between the types of communication that could be used when advertising to different generations.
Describe how you will use an integrated advertising campaign to reach your target audience. You need to create a time line. Chapter 12 discusses various ways to use a time line. You have a certain budget to use. Will you use it all in the first six months or spread it out? What are these strategies called? Why will you use a certain strategy?
Compare successful industries (not other health care industries) and how they leverage transparency. Describe how you can apply that to your strategy.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.

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