Posted: September 13th, 2017

Comparing Means in SPSS

Comparing Means
In Unit 5 you completed a correlation analysis and answered the questions for your topic. In this assignment, you will perform a common analysis used to compare means in two independent samples: The independent samples t-test.
Do the following to complete this assignment:
1. Once you have retrieved your data set, go to Analyze, then Compare Means, then Independent Samples t-test.
2. Conduct a compare means analysis using an independent samples t-test in SPSS.
o The grouping variable for Exam Anxiety in students will be gender, grouped as (1, 2).
o The grouping variable for Condom Use in adults will be condom use (variable name “use”) grouped as (0,1).
o The test variables for both data sets will be all other scale variables within the dataset, and they will match the compare means questions below.
o More detailed instructions can be found in Chapter 9 of your course textbook.
3. Copy and paste the results table into a Word document.
4. Write at least two sentences that answer each of your compare means research questions, based on your data analysis.
5. Analyze and explain significant findings (significantly greater and lesser means).
6. Analyze the hypotheses related to each compare means question. (State the null and alternative hypotheses for each research question, then state whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypotheses based on the findings.)
o How are these findings similar to or different from the simple correlation analysis from Week 5?
o What do the findings suggest about the data and the research questions?
Here are the compare means questions for each topic:
• Exam Anxiety in Students (Exam Anxiety.sav dataset):
o What is the relationship between gender and exam performance for students?
o What is the relationship between gender and exam anxiety for students?
o What is the relationship between gender and time spent revising and for students?

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