Posted: September 13th, 2017

Comparison Paper

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Scenario: You are employed by an elementary school that includes a high percentage of middle- to low-income families, with approximately 49% of the students identifying Spanish as their first language. Your school district has implemented a preventative program to screen for those children who are at risk for depression. School administrators hope to use the information to develop group interventions in the school setting aimed at providing social support and developing self-esteem. They have asked you to evaluate two potential screening measures, the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) and the Reynolds Child Depression Scale (RCDS).
The following scenario describes a typical situation that you may need to address. Using the scenario and the topics listed in this Comparison Chart (download), evaluate the psychometric properties of the CDI and the RCDS. Collect information from test resources and other published resources to facilitate your comparison of the two depression screening tools. Organize and present your findings in an APA formatted paper, making sure that you address each of the topics on the Comparison Chart. Your final paper should include a recommendation about the best measure for your “school district.”

please APA format, which includes proper placement of the Running head, complete author identification lines, a sample abstract, and the headings that you might use in the body of your paper. Please note that your running head, paper title, abstract, and introduction section will be written in your own words. Please note that you must frame an abstract in your own words that clearly describes the contents of your completed paper. Failure to put the abstract and introduction in your own words with your own references is considered plagiarism!

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