Posted: September 13th, 2017

Compensation Trends

General Instructions:
Select a specific area of compensation that interests you (e.g. CEO compensation, pensions etc.). Suggestions for topics are attached to this guideline, that provide

lots of room for exploration, to help inspire you. Conduct research on your chosen topic with a view to determining both short and long term trends that have been

building over time and those that are now seen to be emerging in that area of compensation. Write an 8 – 10 page report (approximately 300 words per page, not

including cover page or bibliography) that summarizes your research process, research findings, emerging trends you have identified, plus any other insights

appropriate to the topic or assignment. Be sure to pick a topic that is interesting to you and that is specifically related to this course. You may be inspired by a

personal interest, a recent news article, an article in a business magazine, a personal interest (such as a career goal), or one of the topics from our textbook

Compensation (Milkovich et al, 4th Canadian Edition).
When conducting research, choose peer reviewed articles from academic journals, and/or recently published books on the topic. In addition, you may also include

professional and business magazines, the internet and interviews (only if desired). Use ProQuest and other search engines available within the UWO online library

catalogue to get started and go from there. Use a variety of validated resources ? not just ?the internet?. Be advised that the textbook is not considered to be a

research resource for this assignment. The whole idea is to reach beyond what is offered in the course and discover additional information sources.


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