Posted: September 14th, 2017

COMPETITOR ANALYSIS: Give a short description of their current strategic position products, segments, plants, capital structure, source of competitive advantage Custom Essay

Assignment: Choose one of your Capstone competitors. i have chosen FERRIS, so please analyze itr:
1. Give a short description of their current strategic position products, segments, plants, capital structure, source of competitive advantage, etc. Consider their product line from a “consumer reports” standpoint.

2. Assess their current opportunities and threats. Given the segments they have settled upon, how big could their sales volume get? What is the profit potential? Can they maintain a competitive advantage?

3. Predict their sales and profits for the ending year of the simulation.

4. Indicate the performance measures this team should use to assess themselves. (Cumulative profit, market share, ROA, ROE, ROS, Asset Turnover, Stock price.)

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