Posted: September 16th, 2017

Complete Excercises

Look at the lesson plan below and comment on:
·         the structure of the lesson
·         the interaction
·         TTT vs STT
·         potential weaknesses / strengths
(Please write a minimum of 150 words)

Note: this is not a model lesson plan.

Business Lesson
Objective: To teach students terms/acronyms commonly used in business e-mails.
Group level: Intermediate Lesson length: 45 mins
Target language: Terminology used in e-mail writing (eg. FYI, RE. , pix, Thx, docs, ASAP, enc., etc. )
Anticipated problems: Students may have difficulties memorising the new terminology/acronyms.
Solution: Ask them to memorise all the words.
Resources: none, write acronyms on the board.
1. Ask students to write a business e-mail.
10 mins.
2. Ask students to read their e-mails to their partners.
2 mins.
3. Ask the pairs to exchange their work and correct their classmates’ work.
2 mins.
4. Write a short business e-mail on the board and explain the terminology and acronyms.
10 mins.
5. Put students in groups and ask each group to produce a similar e-mail.
2 mins.
6. Give students a handout with a gap-filling activity and ask students to complete it individually.
First student to finish wins a prize and reads his/her work to the group.
10 mins.
3 mins.
7. Assign homework – dialogue production.
1 mins.
Marks: 1

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