Posted: November 21st, 2014

Composer/Research Paper; Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Composer/Research Paper

Order Description

Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Two Pieces:
1. Symphony No.39 (Genre: Symphony)
2. Clarinet Concerto in A Major (Genre: Clarinet Concerto)
Two Sources:
1. Kenyon, Nicholas: The Pegasus Pocket Guide to Mozart Pegasus Books, New York 2006
2. Solomon, Maynard. Mozart: A Life. Harper Perennial, 2005..

Choose one composer from one of the music periods covered in class. Next, listen to his or her
music and choose two contrasting works from different genres (1 orchestral and 1 opera, for
example) by your selected composer not found in the text’s representative recordings by this
composer. After listening to your two selections, include commentary within your paper to
support why this composer is remembered, what innovative compositional techniques he or she
originated or excelled in using, what it is about the composer and their music that makes them
important, and how he or she made a lasting impact on the history of music.
? All papers must be 1200-1500 words in length (body of text, not including bibliography,
title page, footnotes, etc.), typed in Times New Roman, 12 point, and double-spaced.
? Sources must be credited either in the text or by footnotes at the bottom of the page, using
standard MLA, APA, or Chicago style. See the college library website, under Citation Help for more
? A minimum of four sources should be used and only one may be an encyclopedia (such
as Grove’s, Baker’s, etc., but not Wikipedia). You may use only one non-encyclopedic
source from the Internet and must give the complete URL address to be used. Please do
not use the class textbook. A bibliography must be attached in standard form. Other
sources include liner notes or program notes, journal articles, biographies found in books,
articles found in collections of essays, etc.
? Grammar, spelling, and proper term paper form will count. Do not use terms you do not
understand. Do not include lists of the composer’s works in the body of the paper. Any
lists should be as an addendum and not counted as part of the required pages.
? Papers not turned in on time will be penalized one letter grade. Papers will not be
accepted more than one day late. All papers must be turned in as “hard copies,” no
emailed papers will be accepted.

Composer Paper Assessment Criteria:
1. General overview of the composer’s life
2. Overview of their primary musical works
3. Impact of composer’s influence on the musical period
4. Two major works from different genres discussed using appropriate music
terminology/vocabulary (your analysis and observations)
5. Crediting of sources in text of paper using proper style
6. Correct form of bibliography (min. 4 sources)
7. Correct spelling, usage of words, overall neatness
Points will be subtracted for lack of source citations or for insufficient paper length (1200-1500

Outline Instruction:
Complete an outline for your composer paper. You will need to write a brief introduction paragraph (I), provide a few notes about your composer (II, III, IV), and list the two works you will include (V). Read and take notes from your sources, then complete the following information to start organizing the structure of paper. After you turn in this assignment, begin filling in with more information (research, observations, and conclusion). I’ve provided a sample of how I did this assignment at the bottom.

I. Intro (1 paragraph) composer name and two pieces to be discussed, spell out how your paper will be organized.

(II, III, and IV are based on your research, you will have to cite these sources in your paper)

II. Biography (general overview of composer’s life, relevant to music)

III. Composer’s impact or influence on the period, general style, what they are known for

IV. Overview of primary works (list just a few major works, you may include works you are not covering later in the paper)

(section V are your observations using musical terminology)

V. Analysis/observations of two works of different genres

1. (1-1 ½ pages) some broad ideas for the entire work, then some detail of one mvt. or section.

2. (1-1 ½ pages) 2nd work. Some compare/contrast, if applicable.

VI. Conclusion (2 paragraphs-one basically saying the same as your intro, talk about the basic style of your composer, in the 2nd paragraph tell us a general response or summary of your findings, what you learned or discovered)

Sample outline Homework:

I. Introduction:

York Bowen was a pianist and composer famous mostly during his lifetime, but is making a comeback in today’s concert hall. In this paper I will discuss Bowen’s life and works with specific focus on two of his masterworks: Suite Mignonne, a concert suite for solo piano, and Viola Sonata No. 1 in C Minor, a sonata for viola and piano.

II. Biography

-Bowen’s career as a pianist

-Bowen’s career as a composer

III. Composer’s impact or influence on the period, general style, what they are known for

-Bowen is not that famous today, but was during his life time (1884-1961), especially in England

-Bowen’s music is generally Romantic in style and did not change throughout his life

IV. Overview of primary works

-Bowen wrote over 150 works for the piano before he was 40 years old, including 4 piano concertos. Later in life he composed a set of 24 Preludes in all keys.

-Bowen also wrote many concertos, sonatas, and chamber works for nearly every instrument.

-For the viola Bowen wrote two sonatas, a concerto, Phantasy, Rhapsody, several short pieces, and Fantasie for Four Violas.

V. Analysis/observations of two works of different genres

1. Suite Mignonne

2. Viola Sonata No. 1 in C Minor

VI. Conclusion

Your outline:

I. Introduction:

II. Biography

III. Composer’s impact or influence on the period, general style, what they are known for

IV. Overview of primary works

V. Analysis/observations of two works of different genres



VI. Conclusion


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