Posted: February 12th, 2015

Computer Hardware

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Project name: Hardware Design for a low-cost RFID Sports identification and timing system.
The Sports identification system is used for recording the times when sports people (runners or orienteers) visit designated check points. The system, however, is now quite expensive to purchase.
1. A Hardware Design for low-cost Sports identification system based on using RFID chips.
2. Simulation of the design.

Project name: Hardware Design for a low-cost RFID Sports identification and timing system.
The Sports identification system is used for recording the times when sports people (runners or orienteers) visit designated check points. The system, however, is now quite expensive to purchase.

  1. A Hardware Design for low-cost Sports identification system based on using RFID chips.
  2. Simulation of the design.

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