Posted: November 9th, 2014

Computer sciences and Information technology

Computer sciences and Information technology

Essay Questions

Project description
4 topics two pages each.

Topic 1
Write a 500-word paper that explains what a SIP trunk is, why you would use a SIP trunk, the equipment required for its use, and any RFCs that discuss SIP trunking.
Be certain you provide proper references for all sources used using the APA format. Use a 12-point font with one-inch margins. Do not cut and paste the content. Write it yourself.

Topic 2
More and more traffic is being moved to wireless networks of various types. Write a 500-word paper that discusses the issues that occur when voice traffic is sent over a typical wireless local area network, such as what the advantages are, the problems often encountered, and how these problems can best be overcome.
Be certain you provide proper references for all sources used using the APA format. Use a 12-point font with one-inch margins. Do not cut and paste the content. Write it yourself.

Topic 3
A protocol often used in converged networks is RTP. Write a 500-word paper that explains what RTP is, why it is used, and what, if any, RFCs discuss RTP.
Be certain you provide proper references for all sources used using the APA format. Use a 12-point font with one-inch margins. Do not cut and paste the content. Write it yourself.

Topic 4
In the last few years, more and more large enterprises have moved from private lines and Frame Relay-based wide area networks to those using either an MPLS network or just relying on the Internet to carry all of their traffic. Write a 500-word paper that explains what problems are encountered when using the Internet to carry VOIP traffic and what can be done to overcome these problems.
Be certain you provide proper references for all sources used using the APA format. Use a 12-point font with one-inch margins. Do not cut and paste the content. Write it yourself.


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