Posted: September 1st, 2015

Conceptualization and test development

a. Choose the construct your test will measure and search the literature on this topic to determine the content for your test items (e.g., if your test is measuring a specific phobia, what sorts of behaviours and/or thoughts are usually exhibited by affected individuals?). You can choose a construct which currently has no tests that measure it (i.e. use your imagination) or develop a new version of a test (e.g. a new test of anxiety for a specific population). The most important thing for you to do is to make an argument for the need and uses of the test. That is, provide a rationale for needing your new test. Who will use the test? Who will be tested? Will it be used for research or applied work or both? Who will it benefit?
b. Determine the most appropriate format for your test items and response options (e.g., Rating scale, Likert scale, Guttman scale, forced choice, short answer).
c. Decide how the test will be scored (generally either a cumulative or category scoring system) and what these scores will actually mean (i.e. guidelines on how to interpret scores).
d. Write a 10-item test and a scoring sheet with brief notes guiding the interpretation of the scores.
e. Use the info gathered in this process (and your thoughts along the way) to start writing your test development report (see below for details).
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