Posted: March 11th, 2016

What concerns aside from information privacy and security might customers bring up when using the system to upload images or store their information in the cloud?

Other Ethical Issues. Your report should discuss any ethical issues that may arise from
customers using the new system and from employees transitioning to the new system. What
concerns aside from information privacy and security might customers bring up when using the
system to upload images or store their information in the cloud? Share at least one suggestion on how the company should deal with these potential challenges. In addition, address one or more concerns that employees might have in working with an automated system.
*Provide recommendations for addressing ethical issues related to users of the system.
Provides adequate recommendations for addressing ethical issues related to users the system. In this section, writers could discuss the ethical concerns over uploading images to the internet such as licensing and the use of non-public domain images by customers, profanity materials uploaded by customers, and how a printing company should handle specific instances that test the ethical bounds of running an automated printing business. In this section, writers should also address the ethical issues
surrounding a company that transitions to automated functions. The writer should make
recommendations on internal policies and programs that the company could utilize to stabilize employees’ morale from such directions and their handling of customer-produced images.

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