Posted: September 13th, 2017

Concert report

Concert report

A concert of Classical music for your paper. (No Jazz, popular, or musical theater concerts.)

you may go anywhere in or out of the city. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) holds free, one-hour concerts every Sunday evening at six (6) pm. Entrance to the rest of the museum is free after the concert. Wilshire and Fairfax in Los Angeles. (Parking at a cost, though you might be able to sneak into the parking at the 99? Store west of the museum, across the street.)

Topic of the paper: “What was it like for me to go to a concert of Classical music?”

Length: Two (2) full pages of body text. That means that you must be at least five lines down on a third page as headings and title never count in paper length.

Warnings: 1) If you simple describe the concert itself and give me a piece-by-piece description of what happened, your grade will start at a C and go down from there. That’s NOT what I’m interested in reading about. I want to know what it was like for you to go! That means more subjective (emotional) material, and less objective (factual) material.

2) You MUST use my template, attached below and use either Microsoft Word or OpenOffice (a free, OpenSource program that works with Word documents perfectly!) to write you paper. Improperly formatted documents will be rejected for a grade.

3) Owners of an Asian version of Word: Change, if necessary, the page setup to U.S. Letter paper, NOT A4.

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