Posted: September 17th, 2017

Concert/Opera/Musical report

This assignment is going to allow you to become an �amateur ethno- musicologist�. Re-read p. 9 in your textbook for additional clarification. Choose a live concert, musical theater or opera to attend during this semester. Use the knowledge you are gaining from this course in your report.
After attending the event, submit a researched report using complete sentences and paragraphs (4-6 pages�with a minimum of 1200 words, 10- to 12-pt type, double- spaced) plus a bibliography, of your impressions of this concert. Attach a program, if available, to your report.
Please note that the research and bibliography components are critical to receive a passing grade for this report. Make sure you proofread your report before submission, and use a standard format such as MLA for your citations and Bibliography

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