Posted: September 13th, 2017

Concurrent Product and Supply Chain Development

Concurrent Product and Supply Chain Development


Project description
Individual Report – Concurrent Product and Supply Chain Development
Your task is to write a 3000 word report responding to your manager’s request.
The report must answer the following questions:
1. Identify and discuss the fundamental issues that the case highlights.
2. What are the challenges in concurrent product and supply chain design in regards to characteristics of the supply chain? What are the challenges in concurrent product and supply chain design in regards to key characteristics of the development chain?
3. What actions will you take at Apple to address the issues experienced at TechCo? Consider the configuration of the product design and supply processes.
4. How can design for logistics concepts be applied to control logistics costs and make the supply chain more agile/responsive and more efficient?
5. How can the postponement concept and repositioning of the push-pull boundary assist in developing the optimal Assemble-To-Order (ATO) strategy for each region of the world? In this context world regions refer to: North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.

Assessment Title
Individual Report – Concurrent Product and Supply Chain Development
Task Description
Before starting this assessment students are advised to read the marking criteria
carefully. Students are strongly encouraged to consult the course web site on Moodle
for further assessment guidance and advice.
The primary purpose of this assessment is to facilitate students learning about supply
chain management concepts, principles, theories, tools and models used in the analysis
and development of a supply chain.
Your expertise in operations and supply chain management has landed you a job at
Apple Inc. Your manager is vice president of operations and has recruited you based on
your knowledge, skills and extensive experience in management of concurrent product
and supply chain development at TechCo.
Your manager is the sponsor of an executive training program for future senior program
managers and he/she guides the development of the training program. Senior program
managers are responsible for leading large cross-functional teams managing concurrent
product and supply chain development programs for products such as iPads and
Your manager has requested that you help him/her create a full day training session
about the fundamental supply chain management aspects you applied in your previous
role as manager for a special project at TechCo aimed at overcoming the supply chain
management challenges at TechCo. The challenges are described in the case study:
‘Why Supply Chains Should be Involved in Product Design’. The case study is found on
the course website.
The objective of the training is to ensure that these future senior program managers
obtain a common knowledge base that enables them to lead Apple Inc’s supply chain
operations towards an agile/responsive yet efficient supply chain operating at minimum
cost. Assume that the company has selected an Assemble-To-Order (ATO) supply
chain strategy and that your manager wants to drive that strategy to successful
Your manager has requested that you write a report to be used as part of the training
material. The report must respond to the questions listed below.
Your task is to write a 3000 word report responding to your manager’s request.
The report must answer the following questions:
Identify and discuss the fundamental issues that the case highlights.
What are the challenges in concurrent product and supply chain design in
regards to characteristics of the supply chain? What are the challenges in
concurrent product and supply chain design in regards to key characteristics of
the development chain?
What actions will you take at Apple to address the issues experienced at
TechCo? Consider the configuration of the product design and supply
How can design for logistics concepts be applied to control logistics costs and
make the supply chain more agile/responsive and more efficient?
How can the postponement concept and repositioning of the push-pull
boundary assist in developing the optimal Assemble-To-Order (ATO) strategy
for each region of the world? In this context world regions refer to: North
America, South America, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Guidance and format details for report writing will be provided on the course website.
Support your arguments with relevant citations from academic journals and practical
examples. Feel free to discuss your ideas in the course discussion forum, before you
complete and submit this assessment.
Assessment Due Date
Week 11 (14–2014) 01:00 AEST
Return Date to Students
Exam Week (04–2014)
Results will be made available on the course web site.
Assessment Criteria
This assessment item is graded out of 100% and rescaled to 40 marks.
Your report will be assessed according to the following criteria.
Your topic analysis must demonstrate:
Thorough understanding of relevant supply chain management concepts,
principles, theories, tools and models in regards to the case study and
the questions.
Appropriate and well structured, concise and clear expression of supply
chain management arguments.
Clear flow of thought throughout the paper with a clear and succinct
purpose described in the introduction and a clear and succinct
Critical review skills and integration of relevant academic and profession
A minimum of eight (8) academic journals must be used.
Your topic analysis must demonstrate:
Appropriate in text referencing and reference list.
Adherence to CQUniversity Australia Harvard (author-date) Referencing
Guide standards.
Clarity of expression, grammar and spelling.
Appropriate presentation format within (±10%) of the word limit: 3000
Penalty where applicable.
Calculated as (TOTAL MARKS/100)*40
Referencing Style
Harvard (author-date)
The assessment submission must be made online through the course web site. The file
submitted must be a Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format (.doc or .docx or .rtf)
document. Each submission will be processed through Turn-it-In (the copy detection
system), and you will have access to the copy detection similarity score. You may
submit multiple times, but the final copy must be submitted by the due date. More
information about Turn-it-In and how to interpret the Turn-it-In report is available on the
course website.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
3. Appraise issues related to relationships in a supply chain.
4. Appraise issues related to product flow along a supply chain.
5. Identify and analyse critical issues in a supply chain.
Graduate Attributes
1. Communication
2. Problem Solving
3. Critical Thinking
4. Information Literacy
6. Information Technology Competence
7. Cross Cultural Competence
8. Ethical practice


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