Posted: September 13th, 2017

Conduct a management analysis of The Body Shop

Conduct a management analysis of The Body Shop

? Background, introduction and importance of company to the Australian and international business landscape: (10%)
o Focus on worldwide Body Shop and funnel it down to Australian base
? Research, analysis and discussion of sustainability related strategies and issues: (40%) *relate to sustainability practices of The Body Shop when you analyse each
o What are/is the relevant theory+ practice+ sustainability
? Role of organisational behaviour at the company (10%)
? Human resource management practices at the company (10%)
? Role of international business at the company (10%)
? Role of technology management at the company (10%)
? Analysis of entrepreneurship and innovation at the company (15%)
Look at history of The Body Shop- Look at who is the founder- motivation to start up the business
Role of innovation
? Future strategies management should engage in (identify 3 major strategies based on the previous analysis of the company) (25%)
Your recommendations and conclusions based on your analysis
? Professional Presentation and English expression (10%)

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