Posted: September 13th, 2017

Consider Levels of Nursing Intervention for key health concerns in your community

Develop nursing interventions at the community and system level of care aimed at primary prevention for population of interest/at risk.
Draft interventions using culturally competent assessments and interventions to address primary prevention (see table below). Interviewing family or health care professional involved with the population at risk may help you create a successful plan. Support your ideas with the scholarly literature. (Do not include the individual level of nursing care.)

Also, consider the following as they relate to your chosen population-based health problem (childhood obesity).
•Services provided by other health care providers
•Lack of services
•Cultural beliefs of community (group)
•Health/illness beliefs
•Values, attitudes, health behaviors and practices

Please address the following:
•Provide a few examples of community resources that need to be in place to assist your population group’s problem (childhood obesity). What resources are missing?
•Are there any cultural-based related issues regarding your group( child obesity) that should inform your approach to care?
•Identify one evidence-based behavior change technique to promote health in this population.
•Suggest one evidence-based intervention to address the health problem for your population of interest.

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