Posted: September 13th, 2017


Paper assignment: Pretend you are a delegate at the United States Constitutional Convention of 2014. You and your colleagues from around the country are tasked with

creating a new or amending the old constitution. Either way, you have all decided you need a new one in some fashion. What would your constitution look like? What

would you keep from the old one and why do you think it’s still relevant? What would you change, scrap or add to make government function better in modern times.

Support your answers with arguments based on facts and examples. Keep in mind that the constituton’s original framers were advocating what they thought was best for

the new country, but largely from the point of view of their own state interests. Pretend you are a delegate from New York, so keep your state’s population in mind,

but also keep in mind that the United States is much more one country now than it was in 1787. Also keep in mind the constitution is a framework for the country’s

basic principles that will guide the country’s laws, not a set of laws itself.

Items to keep in mind: 1)Proper use of English grammar (attend writing center if you need help) 2) Proper use of quotations and citations as per MLA style. 3) Upload

your paper to BEFORE submitting it in class (the class code and password are in the syllabus). 4) Use of the reading material from class and any other

CREDIBLE sources (fact-based) to support whatever arguments you make. 5) A clear introduction with a clear THESIS (you main point that you will support with evidence

and argument); clearly communicated supporting paragraphs; and a clear conclusion. 6) Five pages (double spaced 12 point font) not noticably more or less. Please feel

free to come to me with any questions. Remember you are to complete two of three papers this semester. You may want to get a jump on it now and do the first two, or if

now is a particularly hectic time for you, you may wait and pass on this paper.


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