Posted: September 11th, 2015

Consumer Product Safety Commission


Dealing with the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Write an essay on how these documents reflect compliance with the applicable statutory protections for the public, including FOIA, the PA, Trade Secrets Act, and Sunshine Act. How would you improve on the rules that the agency sets for itself to comply with these statutes?
Review the Notice of Proposed Rule making (NPRM) and Proposed Rule for the REAL ID Act driving license regulations, and read how the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reviewed and responded to comments when it published the Final Rule. The DHS broke the comments down into 13 categories in 73 FR 5280-87.
1. Pick one of the 13 categories of comments.
2. Summarize what the comments said and how DHS responded in your own words.
3. Then explain whether or not you think DHS really addressed the comment. Even if you do not think DHS responded in an adequate way, do you think that the rule is defective and subject to court review, or is this an issue where the agency can make its own choice (even if some think that it is not a very good one) without being subject to review?

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