Posted: August 3rd, 2015

Contemporary business law

Order Description

Hi, my report is talking about mysuper, it is superannuation in Australia.
Require to answer:
1.2What is MySuper
1.2.1 Definition
1.2.2 Requirement
1.2.3 Features
1.2.4 Timeline of pervious procession for MySuper
1.3How does MySuper works
1.3.1 Operate as a default superannuation product
1.3.2Transition to MySuper
1.4 Authorities and insurance for MySuper
1.4.1 Who is MySuper’s regulator?
1.4.2 Insurance for MySuper
its all about Mysuper nothing relate to the law. and i will upload a sample.




Part 1 Introduction of MySuper  
  • Background
  • What is MySuper
1.2.1 Definition 1
1.2.2 Requirement 2
1.2.3 Features 2
1.2.4 Timeline of pervious procession for MySuper 3
  • How does MySuper works
1.3.1 Operate as a default superannuation product 3
1.3.2 Fees and cost of MySuper 4
1.3.3 Transition to MySuper 5
1.4 Authorities and insurance for MySuper 5
1.4.1 Who is MySuper’s regulator? 5
1.4.2 Insurance for MySuper 6
1.5 How to apply MySuper account 6


Part 2 Current Superannuation System VS Mysuper  
2.1 Current superannuation 7
2.1.1 Three Pillars Policy 8
2.1.2 Government superannuation schemes 8
2.2 How it works 8
2.2.1 Trust Law 9
2.2.2 Superannuation Funds 9
2.2.3 Investments 10
2.3 Employers Contributions 11
2.3.1 Principles of Superannuation Choice 11
2.3.2 Importance for Employers 11
2.4 Difference between current superannuation and my super 12


Part 3 MySuper in Australia and retirement fund in USA  
3.1 Introduction 401K-retirement plan 13
3.2 The benefits of 401k retirement plan 15
3.2.1 Benefits for employers 15
3.2.2 Benefits for employees 15
3.3 The similarities and differences between MySuper and 401k 16


Part 4 Advantage and disadvantage of MySuper  
4.1 Advantage of MySuper 17
4.1.1More benefits to casual workers 17
4.1.2 Easily comparable free structure 18
4.1.3-New criteria for performance based fees 19
4.1.4 Tax relief for MySuper Transfers 19
4.1.5 Life cycling investing approach 20
4.1.6 MySuper unleashes competition and value 21
4.1.7 MySuper will help the Government to increase their wealth 21
4.1.8 Simplicity, Transparency and Comparability 21
4.1.9 Single investment strategy 22
4.1.10 More confortable and secure retirement 22
4.1.11 Increase saving. 22
4.1.12 Improves the standard of living of people. 22


4.2.1 MySuper bill will hurt Australian super savers 23
4.2.2. Threaten to the existing insurance coverage 23
4.2.3. Dumps down superannuation 23
4.2.4. Socialist approach of government 24
4.2.5. MySuper will cut financial advisor income 24
4.2.6. No guarantee in return. 25
4.2.7. MySuper is too paternalistic 25
4.2.8. MySuper cannot address sequencing risk. 25
4.2.9. Default fund selection 26


Part 5 Future and recommendation  
5.1 The reason of issue MySuper 26
5.1.1 Population ageing problem 26
5.1.2 Political Products 27
5.2 Future of MySuper 27
5.2.1 Important date for MySuper in the future 27
5.2.2 More discloser for Superannuation fund management 28
5.2.3 Force funds on re-examine their default option 28
5.3 Bank influence by MySuper 29
5.4 Recommendation 29
5.4.1 Combine the super account to save more money 29
5.4.2 Improve superannuation by making an after-tax contribution 30
5.4.3 Multiple choices for members to choose superannuation products 30


Conclusion 31
Reference 32






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