Posted: September 13th, 2017

Contemporary Issues in International Finance

Contemporary Issues in International Finance)

Your review should address the following questions under several sections.  However, you can ignore any question if it is not relevant to your paper(s).
1.    Introduction
•    Briefly explain the main focus/purpose of the study/paper
•    Describe the significance (or motivations) of the study/paper
•    Provide an overview of what is contained in different sections of the paper

2.    Theory/Literature Review

•    Give a brief background of the study
•    Provide a brief review of the existing body of literature (e.g. theories, models, empirical findings etc) about the topic of study.
•    Brief indication of existing controversies/ unanswered questions concerning the topic
•    State the hypothesis (e.g. whether the hypothesis is supported or rejected)?

3.    Data and Methodology
•    Describe the type and sources of data used in the study
•    Define the sample and its characteristics
•    List the key variables used (if applicable)
•    Research (or statistical) methods used to manipulate/analyse the data

4.    Results
•    Summarise the key findings/results of the study and their interpretations
•    Do the results validate the hypothesis (e.g. whether the hypothesis is supported or rejected)?

5.    Conclusions
•    Provide a brief outline of the results, along with their key implications for the researchers and/or practitioners
•    Can we generalize the results?  What is your opinion about the result?
•    Briefly explain the recommendations of the paper (if any)
•    What are the future research directions of the topic of the study (if applicable)?

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