Posted: September 16th, 2017

Contemporary issues in management

Contemporary issues in management

Order Description

This assignment takes the form of an individual study of ethics and organizational storytelling. The work count is 2500 words.
Students to select ONE of the following titles:

1. Using a practical study working with a variety of narratives, demonstrate how storytelling research can inform you understanding of managerial sensemaking and responsible management.
2. It can be argued that organizational storytelling research has contributed significantly to our understanding of organisational misbehaviour, organisational mismanagement and economic malpractice. Examine this clan by applying either Boje’s notion of quantum stories or Gabriel’s psychoanalytic account of the ‘unmanaged spaces’ to consider tensions between individual sense-making and organisational espoused values.
3. Researchers who focus on stories are missing the point. Organisational ethics are economically determined in the last instance. Discuss.
Note well –
1. All work should make clear and appropriate use of academic literature.
2. All work should be appropriately referenced.
3. Examples should be used, where appropriate, to both develop ideas and construct argument.
Note well – in this assignment we are interested in whether you have a good grasp of the core concepts.

This assignment takes the form of an individual study of ethics and organizational storytelling. The work count is 2500 words.
Students to select ONE of the following titles:

1.    Using a practical study working with a variety of narratives, demonstrate how storytelling research can inform you understanding of managerial sensemaking and responsible management.
2.    It can be argued that organizational storytelling research has contributed significantly to our understanding of organisational misbehaviour, organisational mismanagement and economic malpractice. Examine this clan by applying either Boje’s notion of quantum stories or Gabriel’s psychoanalytic account of the ‘unmanaged spaces’ to consider tensions between individual sense-making and organisational espoused values.
3.    Researchers who focus on stories are missing the point. Organisational ethics are economically determined in the last instance. Discuss.
Note well –
1.    All work should make clear and appropriate use of academic literature.
2.    All work should be appropriately referenced.
3.    Examples should be used, where appropriate, to both develop ideas and construct argument.
Note well – in this assignment we are interested in whether you have a good grasp of the core concepts.

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