Posted: September 13th, 2017

Copare your preferences in each dimension to those of your culture.

Copare your preferences in each dimension to those of your culture.

Power Point 10 slides must include the following
Copare your preferences in each dimension to those of your culture.

Dor the places where you marked yourself differently from your culture, explain what you believe accounts for these differences.
Explain why cultural patterns are effective for thinking about people from other cultures and understanding cultural differences.
Predict how knowledge of cultural patterns can be applied to interaction with [people from the culture you selected for your Final Project.  I selected India

Review the major elements of cultural patterns
Activity Orientation
Social relations orientation
World orientation
Time orientation
Use the cultural Continuum document to analyze your oeintations and those of your national culture for each of the five orientation categories.


Short Answer Questions

1. Discuss the factors that create barriers to entry infoLter’s_Eive_fo rces model
2. What are the four uses of mission statements?
3. Discuss the ways in which an organization can develop competitive advantage.
4. Describe the BCG Matrix and the various cells in the model.
5. List the advantages and disadvantages of partnerships between organizations.
6. Discuss the steps in developing a feedback control system.
– 7. Differentiate between the different types of legal forms an entrepreneurial firm can choose
identified in Chapter 6 (i.e. partnership, limited partnership, and S corporation).
8. Discuss the factors that discourage innovation.
9. Describe the model developed in Portefs__Compp(itive Advantage of Nations.

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