Posted: September 13th, 2017

coping with stress and locus control (increasing healthy eating – eating fresh food)

coping with stress and locus control (increasing healthy eating – eating fresh food)

5 questions you have to answer them ( you will find them on workbook page 33) if you have look at page 33 part B there are 5 questions need to be answered . I will upload the journal post 1 that i did before because some of the questions based on journal post 1 so you need to refer journal post 1 for example one of the question ask about if you are feeling stressed how does that impact on your ability to adhere
to your SMART goals? so for this question in order to answer this question you need to read and know my smart goals in journal post 1 and so on . And also another example there is question 4 and it is about Discuss your scores in relation to how much control do you feel you have over your SMART goal. Give part of answering this question is to have look to locus scale table answer scores (you can see it in page 30 and 31 in the workbook) and from there you as you can see from the question above you have to see the relation with your smart goals in journal post 1 and so on. Please write it as a first person form as it is required for answering the questions . for example ( I did this, i did that) i will upload the lecture notes, tutorial notes, and the workbook(Just read from page 24 to 33). So
go through them and read them very carefully. You do not need to provide any references.

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