Posted: September 13th, 2017

Corporate Communication

Corporate Communication course – instructions attached. 25 references should be the ones used in the annotated bibliography I believe.

Research Paper Instructions

You will write a paper of 10–12 full pages (not including cover page, abstract, or references pages) formatted in current APA style and covering a topic on corporate communication found in the textbook.


An introductory and conclusion paragraph should be included in your paper.


Twenty-five academic, peer-reviewed articles are required to be utilized in your research paper. The

research you found during the course and utilized in Discussion Board Forums can be used for the paper.

There should be a focus and flow that ties all of the research together. As with the Discussion Board

Forums, research should come from journals such as: the Harvard Business Review, Academy of

Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Management Studies, etc. All articles

should come from the Liberty University Online Library and should be no more than five years old.

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