Posted: September 13th, 2017

Corporate Governance (CoCa Cola)

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Analysis Report
Security and Exchange Commission
This Report is due on or about the 15h of December, 2014

Each group will find an international company that is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and is part of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index or the NASDAQ
1. Go to the Security and Exchange Commission web site:
2. Pull down menu, Click on filing
3. Click on company filing search
4. Enter the name of the company you wish to search
5. On the left margin, click on the CIK (Central Index Key)
6. Track down forms 8K and 10K, download and print
7. You need to analyze these two documents thoroughly, answer the following questions but do not LIMIT yourself to these questions, incorporate any information you deem important or necessary to this company.

a. Discuss any issues that about the politics and the dynamics of the Board
b. Shareholders issues
c. How much the stock is traded for at the time of your search? Give a yearly chart that views the price of the stock, 52 high / 52 low.
d. What is the symbol of the stuck?
e. Their performance history, show graph for the past 5 years.
f. What about their revenues? Net profits? Net loss? How much?
g. Who are their main officers?
h. Any information about their officer’s compensation packages, bonuses?
i. Did they “officers” had to face any issues that put them in the spot light with the media, consumers, government, and the public in general? If they did, how did they deal with i? “Those issues could be negative or positive”
j. Relate this company to its operation (s) in the UAE, of not, then, to the nearest country in the MENA region.
k. Now, you need to go to the securities and exchange commission web site ( and pull out forms “8 K & 10 K”; which deals mainly with shareholders and the organization and financial structure of the company. Retrieve and highlight some information that attracts you attention, or information that is required by regulatory agencies, or, any other information that you see relative to Corporate Governance in particular
L. What is a form 8K? and 10K?
m. Place of company registration (State, City)
n. Any acquisitions or mergers recently? With whom?
o. Foreign subsidiaries and investment?
P. Include a copy of both reports.
Q. Anything to compare between this company and a UAE company?

2. If you are a CEO of this company, what major decisions would you make based on your above findings?
3. You can be creative and original, come up with other issues that you come across.

Some of the following organizations / websites that can be helpful,

a. Wall street Journal
b. CNBC news
c. Bloomberg
e. SEC.Gov
f. Federal Reserve Bank
g. Financial Times

Web site links

for 8-K report
for 10-K report

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