Posted: September 13th, 2017

country profile of Canada

country profile of Canada

Project description
Using the international databases we practiced with during the modules taught contents
plus other sources suitable for this exercise that you might have identified, prepare and
produce a Country Demographic and Health Profile on one country of your choice different
from any of those used for the formative assignment of this module by any of the students
in your group.
Your country profile must be a two pages document [printed only one side] and one page
maximum of references used to build your country profile [total = 3 pages singled side
printed]. It must include both information on socio-demographic, and health indicators. The
health indicators chosen must be the most prevalent health issues experienced in that
country. Your country profile must combine text and graphic aids to create a professionally
presented and self-explanatory picture of the country demographics and its health profile.
Added on 11.05.2015 08:54

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