Posted: November 26th, 2014

Course: Public Policy Peace Operations – EXPERIENCIAL APPLICATIONS

Course: Public Policy Peace Operations – EXPERIENCIAL APPLICATIONS

Course Overview

Purpose of the Class:

Peace Operations I examines theories of peace and stability operations.  Peace Operations II features guest speakers who detail their work in the field.  Both approach our discipline from a functional perspective.  Experiential Applications concentrates on the institutional mindsets, characteristics, and behaviors of the actors involved in these operations.  Readings, role-plays, and research underpin the class.  Special attention is also paid to developing students’ investigative and graduate-level writing skills.

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of the class, students will be familiar with the different types of actors—civilian/military, government/ non-governmental, and local/international—typically participating in an intervention, including their motivations and style of involvement.  They will better understand their ability to address conflict parties and fellow intervenors.

Case Study Assignment:

PUBP 652: Experiential Applications “Case Study”- Guatemala

All students will conduct research on an approved topic throughout the semester.  On the first day of class, students will select a territorial unit (in this case Guatemala) and then focus in an issue that must be considered in order to bring about durable peace after the conflict within that region.  Suggested issues include: AIDS, environmental damage, natural resources degradation, justice sector reform, elections, privatization, banking, demining, human rights, war crimes, child soldiers, combatants, and gender.
Note: Its highly recommended that you focus on one of the highlighted issues in yellow since this are issues that have been around the country for quite some time and it also involves peace keeping missions conducted by the United Nations. Consider the following resource <>

This is a case study that will be prepared in two parts.  Each part should number between 8-12 single-spaced pages (quality is better than quantity); and each section described below (except Sources of the Conflict) created from the weaving together of 12-15 different sources.  Please use the Chicago style author-date system for citations (parenthetical references and a List of Sources) found in the Common Reference Guide example (e-mailed to you).  A List of Sources should be provided for each of the parts.  With respect to format, please use the following:

Font     Times New Roman
Font Size     11 point
Margins     1” (all sides)
Paragraphs    Indent first line by 0.5”
Spacing     Single space — double space between paragraphs
Quote (less than four lines)     Within the body of a sentence captured by quotations marks
Quote (more than four lines)     Single spaced and double-indented paragraph
Headers?     Yes please
Page Numbers?    Yes please
List of Sources?     Yes please
Sources per Section (12-15)    Yes please

Part I—“Context of the Territory and Conflict”

Remember, the ultimate goal of this entire case study is to investigate an issue (AIDS, elections, security, combatants, etc.) in that post-conflict society and illustrate how it impacts upon bringing about sustainable peace.  Please obtain multiple academic sources for this section.  Books may be uncovered through WorldCat and refereed journals through ArticleFirst, JSTOR, and Academic Search Complete.  The CIA World Fact Book and encyclopedias (including Wikipedia) are not considered appropriate resources.  Further, this will not be a historical account of the conflict.  Rather, please detail the following items:

A. Describe your selected territory. Please include its formal name, location, size (compare with a US state to give size context), neighbors, basic geography (climate, terrain, natural resources, and land use) and basic government info (type of government, capital, and administrative divisions).

B. Describe the parties to the conflict. Who are the various actors in the conflict?  With regard to internal actors, how do they define themselves and what are the core features that make up their identity?  Who are the real leaders of these groups (politicians, soldiers, religious leaders, intellectuals, etc.)?  Who are the external actors (governments, states, regional blocs, etc.) that are considered “spoilers” with regard to the conflict—what interests do they hold in the conflict’s perpetuation?

C. Describe the sources of the conflict. What are the root causes for the conflict you are examining?  There will be diverging opinions/approaches/schools of this in the literature.  Please provide the reader with 10 authors’ causation.  You are expected to quote specifically the passage in which the author states the cause; and then provide another 5-8 sentences fleshing this out.

Additional Instructions:

–    -For this order you are to write an 8 page case study paper regarding the specifications described above.
–    The structure of the paper should follow the details indicated above and also view attached “CaseStudy_Part I_Example”
–    Structure your paper around the thesis and your topic in Guatemala.
–    When you describe the parties and sources regarding the conflict, really make sure that you explain in detail what their roles are. etc.
–    This paper is a public policy focus writing paper, which means that it is important to only draw out the most important things and not spend too much time in going around in circles to get to a point.

****Fundamentals of Writing:
–    It is important that the entire paper is well organized, coherent, concise and to the point.
–    The structure of your paper should move smoothly from one point to the next, the same way you want your audience’s thought to go. Therefore, Transitions between paragraphs, recommendations or stating an issue, needs to be well elaborated and explained clearly.
–    Do not use filler words within your sentences. e.g. “in order to”, or “the parties”. If you have labeled/header as the parties section within your paper, do not write “the parties again” within that section- these are filler words and they should not be used repetitively. Also, make sure you don’t over use the word “and” repetitively within the same sentence twice. This becomes confusing and redundant.
–    Use creative action verbs to start a direct sentence, such as;
o    Create – Sentence 1
o    Design – Sentence 2
o    Implement – Sentence 3
–    Your paper should be written in a way that someone who doesn’t know anything about your topic, should be able to understand what your paper and arguments are about.
–    *****By any means, do not use passive voice in your writing. It needs to be more active and forward leading
–    -See attached “CaseStudy_Part I_Example” – this is a good example of how well each section of analysis needs to be explained and structured.


–    11pt, Times New Roman, Single Spaced, Chicago-Turabian Style

–    The Peace Operations Policy Program requires that students use Chicago “author-date” style citing.  This is based upon Turabian (1996) and displays a parenthetical reference (PR) and source (as it should appear in the reference list [RL]) for various materials typically encountered in your research.

o    Please make sure you pay attention to the use of parenthetical references as well as details when listing your sources in the references page. See Attached “Common Reference Guide example” for details.


1. You must have at least 15 different sources. If you have more the better.
2. make sure you are citing correctly within the paper as stated above ( See Common Reference Guide example).
3. Also, provide me with an accessible links where I can view the sources you are using or email them to me directly at [email protected] This is very important.
4. Reference page/ works cited page must be formatted correctly


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