Posted: September 16th, 2017

create a Code of Ethics or a Code of Conduct

create a Code of Ethics or a Code of Conduct

Order Description

This assignment uses a hypothetical situation. Assume you are the owner of a medium sized company – 501- 3000 employees all in one location. You have been growing over the past few years and now realize that you should formalize some rules and regulations for your employees. For this exercise you will create a Code of Ethics or a Code of Conduct for your employees. You may use any industry or any type of company but in the preface of your code you must name your company and describe the industry it is in (or type of company / product /service) you provide. Then create the code – this can be a list of what not allowed ….. after your code I would like to see a paragraph detailing or explaining the reason why you put the statements in your code.

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