Posted: September 7th, 2015

Create a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet with the two variables from your learning team’s dataset. Analyze the data with MegaStat®, StatCrunch®, Microsoft® Excel®or other statistical tool(s), including:

Create a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet with the two variables from your learning team’s dataset. Analyze the data with MegaStat®, StatCrunch®, Microsoft® Excel®or other statistical tool(s), including:

(a) Descriptive stats for each numeric variable (b) Histogram for each numeric variable (c) Bar chart for each attribute (non numeric) variable (d) Scatter plot if the data contains two numeric variables Determine the appropriate descriptive statistics.

(a) For normally distributed data use the mean and standard deviation. (b) For significantly skewed data use the median and interquartile range. Use the Individual Methodology Findings Template to complete the descriptive statistics.

Use the Descriptive Statistics and Interpretation Example to develop an interpretation of the descriptive statistics.

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