Posted: November 28th, 2014

Create a summary of the cohort data set obtained from the questionnaire.

Create a summary of the cohort data set obtained from the questionnaire.

Project description
Below you will find the results from a questionnaire.

Create a summary of the cohort data set obtained from the questionnaire. Choose an appropriate format for displaying your data, such as a table, chart, or other summary.

Remember that this activity look at qualitative data.
Added on 26.11.2014 18:03
Below you will find the results from a questionnaire.

Create a summary of the cohort data set obtained from the questionnaire. Choose an appropriate format for displaying your data, such as a table, chart, or other summary. (500 words) Remember that this activity look at qualitative data.
O 12
Raw data taken from questionnaires, interview schedules, check-lists, and so on need to be recorded, analysed and interpreted. A hundred separate pieces of interesting information will mean nothing to a researcher or to a reader unless they have been categorized and interpreted. We are constantly looking for similar-ities and differences, for groupings, patterns and items of particu-lar significance. You may have ideas about categories before the data are collected. Your informed hunch tells you that the likelihood is that responses will tend to fall into any one of six or seven main categories. There can be dangers in placing too much reliance on preconceived ideas, not least the possibility that your line of ques-tioning may direct respondents to reply in certain ways. However, assuming you have been able to eliminate bias of this kind, your first-thoughts categories will give you a start in the process of col-lating the findings. Others will undoubtedly emerge as your research proceeds but start with broad categories, and only move to more detailed examples when it becomes apparent that they merit a label of their own. In Chapter 8, Michael Youngman (Youngman 1982, 1994) sug-gested that in questionnaires, it is helpful to identify question types and to work out ways in which responses can be analysed and presented. You will recall that he listed seven question types
Bell, Judith. Doing Your Research Project (5th Edition). : McGraw-Hill Education, . p 226 Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education.. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law.


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