Posted: September 13th, 2017

Criminal Justice

EXTRA CREDIT – Application of Theory (25 points) As we approach Spring Break, we’ve covered the foundation of criminological theory, the approaches, the importance of evidence-based approaches to explaining crime, and 5 major theory sets which each include several subtheories. You’re watching “The Interruptors” in preparation for your final paper. Right now, let’s give you an opportunity to see how else you can apply theory…kind of a warm-up for your final project. Check out the following website called “Cure Violence:“ This particular link takes you to the Scientific Evaluations of the “Cure Violence” model being used in a variety of places. There are 4 Evaluations that have been completed on this Cure Violence model (Baltimore, Chicago x2, and New York). Instructions for Extra Credit: 1. Pick ONE of these 4 evaluations. Read the summary and report. 2. Describe the program. 3. Describe if it is effective at reducing crime. 4. Describe how/why it’s effective at reducing crime by describing which theories (and subtheories) can be applied.

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