Posted: July 1st, 2015


Answer two of the following essays (50 points each question): I recommend that you prepare the essays in a word processing program and copy/paste the text of both answers into the textbox below. Remember to hit the save answer’ button and finish’ to submit your work.

1. Using a book or film such as American Hustle, Wolf of Wall Street, Bronx Tale , Boys in the Hood , Scarface , Good Fellas , Casino , or Donny Broscoe , give an example from that work of each of the deviance the theories of anomie, differential association, and labeling theory,

2. Explain in detail how the theory of differential association and techniques of neutralization applies to two of the forms of criminal expression.

3. Social disorganization theory was popularized Chicago sociologists. Discuss this theory in terms of the urbanization of society. Explain how this theory explained crime and criminality decades ago and if is it still relevant today.

4. Sociologist Robert Merton applied the sociological concepts first identified by Emile Durkheim to criminology in his theory of anomie. Explain this theory and give examples of each mode of adaptation.

5. More than 40 years ago, Sociologist Walter Miller identified the unique conduct norms that help define lower-class culture. Discuss how these focal concerns give rise to crime. Do you think that the life style of poor people spawns crime? If that is true, why do so many suburban kids want imitate those behaviors?

6. Albert Cohen first articulated the theory of delinquent subculture in his classic 1955 book, Delinquent Boys. Discuss the basic assumptions of this theory. Do you agree with this theory and why? Is this theory still relevant today?

7. Use the film Mystic River to exemplify any two sociological theories about crime.

( basically answer 2 of any of the 7 questions, one page for each question you choose)

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